Here’s Why Joe Biden Treating His Sleep Apnea with CPAP is a Good Thing

By: The CPAP Team · Published June 29, 2023
Here’s Why Joe Biden Treating His Sleep Apnea with CPAP is a Good Thing

The CPAP Team

Written and edited by the team. Our team is a dedicated group of writers, researchers, and CPAP experts specializing in sleep apnea education and management. With over two decades of experience in the field, we combine our collective knowledge to help readers navigate their sleep apnea journey with confidence and ease.


Our content undergoes rigorous expert review, evidence-based research, and regular updates for accuracy.

Sleep apnea continues to grow in prevalence both domestically and globally. According to recent news reports, this condition has even reached the highest office in America—that of US President, Joe Biden. The White House has confirmed that President Biden recently joined millions of his fellow Americans in improving their sleep health by turning to continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy to treat sleep apnea.

Reports of this development came in after the president was spotted at a White House event sporting subtle red marks on his face. Many CPAP owners quickly recognized these marks to be signs that the president had been wearing a CPAP mask.

Rest assured, Mr. President: the solution to those red marks is a good set of CPAP mask strap pads! And don’t forget, if your headgear feels too tight, it might be time for a new cushion!

If you’re new to CPAP therapy—or even if you don’t know a thing about sleep apnea—read on to find out how anyone can find therapy success and reclaim the restful sleep they deserve.

What We Know About the President’s CPAP Therapy

White House spokesperson Andrew Bates said, "He used a CPAP machine last night, which is common for people with that history.”

President Joe Biden has begun using a CPAP machine to treat longstanding sleep apnea— Bloomberg (@business) June 28, 2023

The good news is that CPAP therapy will likely be life-changing for President Joe Biden. However, his new treatment plan is going to take some getting used to. As many are aware, overcoming adjustments in the first few months of therapy is essential to success with CPAP. Don’t worry, though! We’ll discuss everything you need to know down below!

In light of this recent development, it’s important to remember that the impact of sleep apnea is often understated. In fact, according to the American Medical Association, this condition impacts an estimated 30 million Americans and nearly one billion people worldwide.

You might even be surprised to learn that the American Academy of Sleep Medicine commissioned an economic impact survey which found that the US economy suffers a $149.6 billion impact every year due to lost productivity, motor vehicle accidents, and workplace accidents attributed to untreated sleep apnea.

As we navigate this newfound visibility for sleep apnea, we believe it’s important to remember that sleep apnea is an issue that can affect anyone from any walk of life. We hope this recent turn of events will add some much-needed energy to the conversation about sleep health nationwide.

Unpacking Sleep Apnea: President Biden's New Sleep Health Challenge

Sleep apnea is one of the most prevalent sleep disorders in the nation, second only to insomnia. This condition is characterized by repeated episodes during which breathing slows or stops during sleep.

These episodes can vary in duration, lasting from a few seconds to several minutes, and may occur dozens of times throughout the night. In especially severe cases, some people even experience dozens of apnea events per hour. When these disruptions occur, the body instinctively initiates a process called arousal, which involves gently awakening the individual to restore a normal breathing rhythm.

This subtle disturbance, though often unnoticed, can significantly impact sleep quality. But thanks to CPAP therapy, President Biden and the millions of others with sleep apnea can experience better sleep and improved quality of life!

What Type of Sleep Apnea Does President Biden Have?

Sleep apnea can be classified into three distinct types. While we don't have specifics about President Biden's exact diagnosis, we have been given a few clues. Let’s briefly examine each one!

Obstructive Sleep Apnea: This is the most widespread form of sleep apnea. OSA occurs when the muscles in the mouth, throat, and/or upper airway become overly relaxed, leading to airway blockages during sleep.

Central Sleep Apnea: Although not as commonly diagnosed as Obstructive Sleep Apnea, CSA is just as significant. This condition arises when the muscles essential for inhalation lose function during sleep. This is generally due to a miscommunication between the circulatory system, the brain, and/or the respiratory muscles.

Complex Sleep Apnea: Complex Sleep Apnea is best described as a combination of the other two types of sleep apnea, though it often also involves other conditions as well. It typically occurs when a person who has been diagnosed with Obstructive Sleep Apnea develops Central Sleep Apnea while undergoing CPAP therapy. this is the rarest form of sleep apnea.

The vast majority of sleep apnea cases are believed to be caused by Obstructive Sleep Apnea. When considering the statistics, plus his risk factors of age and sex, it seems that Joe Biden is a likely candidate for an OSA diagnosis.

What Signs and Symptoms Could President Biden Have Experienced?

Everyone's journey with sleep apnea is unique, including President Biden's. That said, there are a few issues that are common among the majority of people with sleep apnea. Before starting his CPAP therapy, the president might have encountered some of the following signs and symptoms commonly associated with sleep apnea:

The good news is that with consistent use, CPAP therapy often alleviates these symptoms, sometimes within a matter of days or weeks.

The Health Risks of Sleep Apnea: Should We Be Concerned?

One of the biggest concerns regarding sleep apnea is its potential long-term impact on physical health. President Biden’s condition was likely identified early on, thanks to his regular health checkups. But unfortunately, not everyone has access to that same level of care. In fact, it’s estimated that 80% of Americans with sleep apnea remain unaware of their condition!

This is quite concerning, as sleep apnea has been linked to increased inflammation throughout the entire body. If this process is allowed to go untreated, it can result in an increased risk for many conditions, such as:

To prevent these complications, we encourage you to seek regular checkups and be honest with your doctor about any concerns you may have regarding your physical and mental health.

Why Is President Biden Undergoing CPAP Therapy?

CPAP therapy is a popular and effective treatment for sleep apnea, leading President Biden's medical team to recommend it for his condition. Interestingly, this is not his first encounter with sleep apnea. In 2008, it was revealed that Biden experienced recurring sleep apnea episodes. He underwent nasal surgery in 2019, which initially appeared to resolve or at least help manage the issue.

As often happens, however, there comes a time when the gold standard treatment is needed. It seems President Biden’s medical team has reached this conclusion and decided to move the president to the most proven approach to treating sleep apnea: CPAP therapy.

How Does CPAP Therapy Treat Sleep Apnea?

By delivering pressurized air into the airway, a CPAP machine is designed to address both types of sleep apnea, although it is most effective for Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). This process tackles sleep apnea through two key mechanisms:

  • Preventing Airway Obstruction: The flow of pressurized air through the throat and into the airway acts as a kind of brace against the muscular structures of the mouth, throat, and upper airway. This keeps the airway from becoming blocked by the tongue, tonsils, soft palate, etc.
  • Filling the Lungs With Air: As the pressurized air flows through the airway, it makes its way into the lungs. This is particularly helpful in CSA cases, as the lungs are then able to fill with air, despite the respiratory muscles being unable to initiate inhalation.

How The President May Benefit from CPAP Therapy

CPAP therapy offers a multitude of reasons to embrace its life-changing effects. Even in mild cases, sleep apnea can lead to numerous arousals per night, so the impact on your health and well-being can be significant.

President Biden, like many others, experienced periods of low oxygen levels and sleep deprivation due to sleep apnea. However, with the initiation of CPAP therapy, many of these issues are expected to improve. Some people report these changes after just one or two nights of treatment.

Here are some of the other positive changes President Biden and others may experience after commencing CPAP therapy:

  • Improved Quality of Life: CPAP therapy can significantly enhance quality of life by improving sleep and addressing the symptoms associated with sleep apnea.
  • Better Sleep: By maintaining open airways and preventing interruptions in breathing, CPAP therapy promotes more restful and uninterrupted sleep.
  • Increased Energy: With improved sleep, individuals often experience a boost in energy levels throughout the day, leading to increased productivity and alertness.
  • Improved Cognition: CPAP therapy helps combat the cognitive impairments caused by sleep deprivation, allowing for better concentration, focus, and mental clarity.
  • Boosted Mood: Adequate and restful sleep can positively impact mood and emotional well-being, leading to a more positive outlook and reduced feelings of irritability or depression.
  • Fewer Long-Term Health Risks: By effectively treating sleep apnea, CPAP therapy can reduce the risk of developing associated health problems such as cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, stroke, and diabetes.

Embracing CPAP therapy can bring transformative improvements to sleep, overall health, and daily functioning, providing individuals like President Biden with a path to a healthier and more fulfilling life.

Challenges of CPAP Therapy: A Glimpse into President Biden's Experience

As with any medical treatment, the experience with CPAP therapy can vary widely from person to person. For some, the transition to sleeping with a CPAP machine is smooth, while others may encounter some challenges.

Unfortunately, CPAP side effects can lead individuals to abandon CPAP therapy prematurely. Therefore, it is crucial that President Biden and his medical team navigate these effectively as he embarks on his journey with CPAP therapy.

Here are some common side effects the president may experience in the early days of his CPAP journey:

  • Skin Irritation
  • Nasal Congestion
  • Dryness in the Mouth, Eyes, or Nose
  • Soreness On or Around the Nose
  • Claustrophobia

How to Make CPAP Therapy Work?

If there were a mantra for CPAP therapy, it would be, "It gets better with time!" It's rare for anyone to have a completely smooth journey with CPAP therapy. However, once you've overcome the initial hurdles, the benefits can truly enhance your quality of life! As evidenced by the visible red marks on President Biden's face, he too seems to be navigating these initial challenges, but we’re here to help!

Tips for Adapting to CPAP Therapy

Adapting to sleeping with a device on your face is, understandably, a significant adjustment. It's completely normal if you need some time to get accustomed to your CPAP machine. Here are some tips to help ease this transition:

  • Educate yourself about CPAP therapy and your equipment.
  • Practice wearing your CPAP mask during the day to acclimate to it.
  • Ensure your mask fits correctly.
  • Establish a healthy bedtime routine.
  • Be patient and give yourself time to adjust.
  • Experiment with different masks to find the one that suits you best.
  • Remember, it's okay to have off days.

Mitigating CPAP Side Effects

President Biden's appearance with visible CPAP marks not only highlights his personal journey with sleep apnea and CPAP therapy, but also shines a light on the realities of living with a CPAP machine. Whether you're a newcomer to CPAP therapy or have recently upgraded your machine, we're here to guide you through any challenges. Here are some solutions to common CPAP side effects:

  • Regularly check the fit of your mask.
  • Maintain a regular cleaning schedule for your equipment.
  • Opt for a CPAP machine with a built-in humidifier.
  • Use a saline spray or rinse before bedtime.
  • Consider a machine with a ramp feature, which gradually increases air pressure as you fall asleep.
  • Use doctor-approved creams to prevent nasal soreness.
  • Try a mask cover to prevent skin irritation.
  • Experiment with different masks to find the best fit.
  • Consider using aromatherapy to help you relax when using your CPAP mask
  • Consult your sleep specialist about adjusting your air pressure if needed.

What Our CPAP Experts Have to Say

We asked some of our in-house CPAP experts what their initial reaction was to the news of the president sporting obvious CPAP mask marks on his face:

“My initial advice to President Biden would be to not get discouraged by others' opinions on your sleep apnea, be encouraged to do what is right for you and your health. Also, he should consider adding some CPAP mask strap pads for added comfort and to prevent marks on his face. He may even want to replace his mask cushion.” Says Layne.

“Finding the right mask is often more important than finding the right machine - keep trying until you find the right one! Look at comfort options like strap pads or mask liners and wear your mask as much as you can during the day (maybe a little harder when you're POTUS) but find some time!” Says Brittney.

Finally, “The best way to keep your sleep at its best is to replace your CPAP equipment on time. You can make it easy and save money by setting up subscriptions through us for your needed replacement items. Come on man, don't wait, keep your sleep up to date." says David.

The Significance of President Biden's CPAP Use

President Biden's decision to openly use CPAP therapy is significant for several reasons. First, it helps to normalize the use of CPAP machines, which can often be stigmatized due to misconceptions about the therapy. By seeing a figure as prominent as the president of the United States treating sleep apnea with a CPAP, it sends a message that there is no shame in seeking treatment.

Second, it highlights the importance of taking sleep apnea seriously. Often, sleep apnea is undiagnosed and goes untreated because people dismiss it as mere snoring or a minor inconvenience. However, as President Biden's case illustrates, untreated sleep apnea can have serious health implications and requires appropriate treatment.

Finally, President Biden's use of CPAP therapy underscores the importance of addressing sleep apnea at any age. Sleep apnea can affect individuals across different age groups, and it's crucial to seek and continue treatment as needed, regardless of age.

President Biden's journey with CPAP therapy serves as a reminder of the importance of addressing sleep apnea and seeking effective treatments. By openly sharing his experience, he has brought awareness to this prevalent sleep disorder, fostering a greater understanding and dialogue surrounding sleep health.

With continued support and guidance from healthcare professionals, President Biden—and indeed, anybody living with sleep apnea—can successfully manage their condition with the transformative benefits of CPAP therapy. It is our hope that this story encourages others to seek help for their sleep apnea and embark on a path toward better sleep and improved quality of life.

If you have any questions about CPAP therapy, your risk level of sleep apnea, or solutions to help navigate the side effects that may come with therapy, don’t hesitate to reach out to our CPAP experts at 1-800-356-5221.

That goes for you, too, Mr. President!

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