Upload Your Prescription

You’re one step away from beginning your sleep apnea journey.

prescription Uploaded

Your prescription has been uploaded and is currently being confirmed by our team.

Upload a New Prescription

Upload your prescription here to have it verified by one of our CPAP Guides.

Renew a Previous Prescription

Already using a CPAP machine? Can't find your prescription? Prescription Expired? Let us connect you with a physician

Your Selected Physician

Gray, Melissa Contact
(tel) 7737029089
(fax) 7737020000
Confirming Your Prescription

Upload your prescription here to have it verified by one of our CPAP Guides. Once we have verified this we can confirm your order.

Allowed upload file types: png, jpg, and pdf

Allowed file sizes:

png, jpg, jpeg: 10MB

PDF: 500MB

Confirming Your Prescription

Already diagnosed with CPAP?

CPAP.com provides a hassle-free renewal process for your next CPAP prescription. Our CPAP renewal process connects you with a licensed physician who will evaluate your current CPAP needs and determine whether or not you qualify for a renewed prescription

Renew Prescription

Not currently diagnosed?

In just four easy steps, you can receive a sleep apnea diagnosis, get your prescription, and start your journey back to healthy sleep. Purchase a Home Sleep Test today.

Get a Home Sleep Test

Additional ways to get a prescription to us

Make sure to include:
  • Email subject: My Rx Prescription
  • Prescription Attachment
  • Order number, if possible
Make sure to include:
  • Patient’s full name
  • Order number, if possible