The Vitera Full Face Mask from Fisher & Paykel offers multiple leak-prevention functions, allows freedom of movement throughout the night, and its slimmer frame opens your line of sight.
Keep Up With Your Nighttime Routine Thanks to the Lightweight EasyFrame
Now you can comfortably finish the last few pages in your bedside novel without compromising your CPAP therapy, thanks to the improved slim frame that won’t block your view as you enjoy your treatment. If you need to get in and out of your mask in a pinch, the F&P Vitera's design also features headgear clips with tactile grips for greater ease-of-use - especially at night!
Adaptable Rollfit XT Cushion Limits Mask Leaks
The Rollfit XT seal shape helps you achieve a comfortable night's sleep by adjusting with you as you change your sleeping position. The cushion allows more movement than the original model, making it possible for you to sleep on your stomach, side, or back without worrying about a mask leak.
Forehead Support Anchors Cushion to Further Mitigate Leak Events
Active sleepers rejoice - different sleeping positions are an option once again! Offering another innovative feature that helps keep the seal intact, the forehead support of the Vitera mask helps keep the cushion anchored in place when you toss or turn. The unique technologies of the Vitera full face mask work in tandem to curate ultimate comfort and experiences that will lead you to more successful CPAP therapy.
Wider Cushion Permits Position Changes If Desired
The cushion’s wider base lets you easily change sleeping positions without interrupting your therapy. Additionally, the extra support on the low profile stability bar improves the performance of the RollFit seal and ensures your mask will stay in position as you move. The unique forehead clip of the Vitera mask can be adjusted for reduced pressure on other parts of the face as well.
Breathable VentiCool Headgear Helps Prevent Overheating
Keep cool while you sleep. The Vitera headgear is made with a proprietary breathable fabric that incorporates VentiCool technology to let air better circulate through the adjustable headgear, ensuring a more comfortable night's sleep. This custom made breathable fabric was also shown (through internal Paykel Healthcare testing) to improve moisture transfer by 35%, which should translate to less perspiration in the night for greater comfort and more effective therapy.